Author guidelines

Text design regulation for publishing of submission in “Sever i rynok: formirovanie èkonomičeskogo porâdka”

The paper which is addressed to the Editorial Board should comply with topical sections of the journal, contain the original author’s scientific results (at least 75% of originality) and should be structured in accordance with the present rules of the journal.

Articles of each author are published no more than twice a year with an interval of three volumes.

The paper’s authors adhere publishing ethics and are in charge of plagiary absence in their publication (unscrupulous citation); ensure the absence of falsification in research results, research authenticity and results reproducibility according to methodic presented in the paper. The authors guarantee that the article materials are not submitted for publication in other journals (in Russian and English.

In addition to the paper, the authors should attach following documents on step 4 of application:

  • agreement for the provision of personal data, signed by all the authors, as a scanned copy;
  • expert conclusion from an affiliated organization confirming the possibility of publication in the open sources.

The article and attached documents should be submitted to the Editorial Board in electronic form via the online form on the website of the journal. If you have any problems – contact the Editorial Board.

1. Text format

It is recommended to use the latest volumes of the journal as a sample for the proper formatting of the article. Articles should be submitted in Microsoft Word text editor (version 2003 or later).

1.1. Main text style: font – Times New Roman; font size – 11 pt; common; line spacing – 1; idention – 0.8 cm; widow lines control; keep with next; text alignment – width; page size – A4 (29.7 х 21 см); all margins – 2 cm (top – 2 cm; bottom – 2 cm, left – 2 cm, right – 2 cm); enter key (a line feed) is used only at the end of a paragraph! A list can not be used for numeration; hard space between initials and surname; hard space between names and units: Ctrl+Shift+Space. More than one space can not be used! Decimal numbers are typed in Russian-language texts separated by comma (0,7), English version – separated by point (0.7).

1.2. Table style: font – Times New Roman, 9 pt, common. The information in the tables should not be given in a single array but line by line. Abbreviations in the tables are not allowed. Table size must comply with the format set no more than 16 x 24 cm.

1.3. Equation style: font – Times New Roman, 11 pt, common, large index – 7 pt, small index – 6 pt, large symbol – 12 pt, small symbol – 11 pt, Formulas are typed only in Microsoft Office Equation 3. Latin symbols are typed in italic, Russian, Greek, numbers, chemical symbols, similarity criteria are typed in Roman letters. This rule is also applied to indexes in characters.

1.4. Physical units and symbols should be taken in accordance with the International System of Units according to given field of science. It is desirable to use the IUPAC terminology for naming chemical compounds.

1.5. Images submitted should be in the form of computer graphics and ready for printing. Image editor must be compatible with Microsoft Word text editor. The size of images should follow the format set: no more than 16×24 cm. All images must have captions. Images should be numbered in the order they are mentioned in the text in Arabic numerals. The text should contain links to all images.

1.6. Acronyms and abbreviations. It is desirable to avoid abbreviations. All available text abbreviations must be decrypted, except for a small number of commonly used ones. Reductions of several words should be separated by spaces, except for common ones (etc.; ie) and acronyms (XRF). The abbreviations or formulas of chemical compounds that are used as adjectives should be written with a hyphen: IR-spectroscopy, PE-film, LCD-state.

2. Submission content

2.1. Universal decimal classification.
2.2. Submission title.
2.3. Full data about the author (s): name, surname, title, position, full name of the organization and postal address, country, e-mail.
2.4. Abstract.
2.5. Keywords (not less than 5-7 words and phrases).
2.6. Text of submission.
2.7. References.
Points 2.2, 2.3, 2.5, 2.7 should be given in English at the end of the submission. If the submission is published in English, points 2.2-2.5; 2.7 are given in Russian at the end. The paper length in standard design, including images and tables in the text, should be 20 000–40 000 characters with spaces.

3. Submission title

3.1. Title of the submission should be descriptive.
3.2. Only common acronyms allowed.
3.3. Translated title of the submission should not be a transliteration from English, untranslatable except for untranslatable proper names, names of tools and other objects that have their own names. Do not use untranslatable slang known only to professionals. This also applies to abstracts and keywords.

4. Authors information

4.1. Names and initials of the paper’s authors should be submitted to the international system of transliteration developed by USA Library of Congress Slavic (Russian) Transliteration. The website can be used for free transliteration of the English text into Russian and vice versa.
4.2. It is mandatory to indicate the same place of author’s work in different publications, as the data on the affiliation of the organization is one of the main defining features for the author’s identification.

5. Name of organization and department

5.1. The name of the organization should be given both in Russian and English, except for names of organizations untranslatable into English. These names should be given in a transliterated form by using the system of transliteration developed by the USA Library of Congress.
5.3. The rules for writing the names of organizations in English should be used: all significant words (except for articles and prepositions) should start with a capital letter.

6. Abstracts in Russian (English) language

6.1. Abstract is a brief statement of the article content, including general information and the conclusions of the paper. The volume of abstracts should be 200-250 words.
6.2. The abstract should meet the following requirements:
– informativity (without common words);
– authenticity (better not to trace Russian to English copy);
– pithiness (reflecting the main content of the submission and research results);
– structuredness (logically match with submitted paper).
6.3. The abstract should include:
– subject, topic, and goal of the work;
– the method and methodology of work;
– the results of the work;
– the scope of results;
– conclusions.
6.4. Abstract performs the following functions:
– it allows you to set the main content of the article, to determine its relevance and decide whether to refer to the full text or not;
– eliminates the need to read the full text of the article if the article is a reader’s secondary interest;
– used for information search, including automated information retrieval systems.
6.5. The abstract in English should contain terminology that characteristic for scientific language. Avoid the use of terms which are a direct copy of the Russian terms.
6.6. Abbreviations and symbols commonly used in addition to (including the English special texts) are used in exceptional cases or their definitions are given at the first use.
6.7. Units of physical quantities should be given in the International System of Units (SI).
6.8. Do not use links to references in abstracts.
6.9. The abstract is given as an independent from the paper source of information.

7. Recommendations for the structuring of the paper

7.1. Introduction – the degree of research quality.
7.2. Statement of the problem.
7.3. Methodology: description of particular methods of research.
7.4. Discussion: the author’s point of view and direct author’s research.
7.5. Conclusion / Results: the main conclusions.
7.6. Acknowledgments: Acknowledgments to specific individuals who helped the author or indication of grants that helped to perform the work.
7.7. References.

8. References

8.1. Reference block is a separate unit. Sources descriptions (printed and electronic) are arranged in alphabetical order, foreign sources are placed after the Russian.
8.2. References are given in Russian in accordance with the examples.
8.3. Transliteration of references and English translations are made in accordance with the APA standard – American Psychological Association (5th ed.).
8.4. The links should be available for scientific community. In case the work contains Digital Object Identifier (DOI), which is an international ISO standard (, this identifier should be indicated in references.
8.5. References number should be not less than 15 with a higher proportion of foreign sources.
8.6. Links to abstracts of theses are allowed if their electronic versions are available. References to textbooks, study guides, reference books, and industry standards and codes should be of secondary importance and be no more than 10-15% of all references as they are inaccessible for the wide scientific community.
8.7. Self-citations should not exceed 20%.
8.8. Links in texts should be given in square brackets [1] or [2-5].
8.9. Abbreviations of source titles (journal, publishers) are not allowed.
8.10. The most significant components in bibliographical references are the names of authors and titles of magazines. It is mandatory to include all authors to the description and not to reduce them to three, four, etc.
8.11. The place of publication, publisher and year of publication to be specified in references for all books, monographs, textbooks.

8.12. Electronic sources should be described similar to prints indicating the access URL.

8.13. The number of pages should be indicated. If a reference is made to an article, the page range is indicated (p.220-222). If reference is made to entire publication, the total number of pages is indicated (235 pp.).